A controversial article in the ezine magazine.
It would seem to me lately the US Government and the people in general, talk shows included are more concerned with the US Census, than with bin Laden's most recent message to America. I try to stay out of politics, and war time crap, but I find myself falling back on it when I get irritated, and this avoiding and making little out of Bin Laden's message, as if it was a baloney sandwich, is too much to deal with, so I got to say my peace. In other years I've written over 200-articles on such issues, I shall write one more making it 201, and then try to get back to my poetry.
I, and I mean Dennis believes bin Laden is trying to show the world he is the old Saladin of the Muslim world, the old warrior. I wrote five stories on the crusades, and Saladin was in most of them, he was a great warrior, and at times made peace with England's king, in the holy land, Richard the Lionhearted; Richard respected him for his shrewdness, and capabilities, something we do not give bin Laden. We have built a great shield around America so other countries cannot come over here and destroy us, but al Qaeda is not other countries, they are subversive warriors, with no certain country to call home. They do not have such barriers to cramp them into, or worry about.
But here is what I see: bin is trying to be a prophet, and a message from a prophet, as in the Bible, when God sent prophets to the people, they are warnings, and this is what bin has done, given us warnings. He is not only playing the Islamic game, but the Biblical one. He is also taking lessons from the crusader, Saladin. I doubt he cares about America as much as America would like him to, or says he does, what I see is, America is simply in the way. I never heard him talk about our liberties, so I doubt he cares, but what he does talk about, and being a licensed counselor at one time in my life, I have learned to listen to what is being said, and not said: is policies that affect the Islamic world. Should he get the United States to become more involved with the United States, and less around the world, such as planting a nuclear bomb in our backyard, he would cause our military to come to our rescue, and our economy to hit the ground, and thus, he has what he wants, a free hand in the Middle East; us out of the way is the program: or on the menu.
It is an Islamic dream to have the world bend their knees for Islam; in a similar manner I suppose, Christians are out there trying to convert humanity to Christendom; so we can't point fingers.
The question remains: does he have a nuclear weapon to use (and if he does, there is no question in my mine if he would use it or not; of course he would? I say yes, he does. Why? Because if you've been watching his foot steps since l992 he's been trying to get one, 14-years since, and odds are, he got them, or at least one. Second: where did he get them, again I say, it should be no secret, the Soviet Union had much unguarded devices for a long time, and for sale. All you need are the basic elements; money is not the object here.
He is like John the Baptist, but he is the Ant-Baptist, you could say. He is opening the doors for the main man, whom is coming, but first things first.
Now you may be asking: why hasn't he hit us? Good question, perhaps because he has not gotten the world of Islam's blessings. It seems to me, by watching the entire cleric world of Islam around the world now pointing fingers at America, a ripple effect has taken place, and he no longer needs their blessing, he's most likely got it. So what happens: we get hit, and five to ten million Americans die?
Years ago, I wrote on this subject, which went unread for the most part in many articles and in particular in one of my poems, "The Last Trumpet...." So I've already wrote what I saw in visions, and I saw what I've just described. It will be a first strike weapon; it is what he is waiting for. He knows by leaving America alone we will go back to our movies, and McDonald's and way of life, so why have all little groups in the world bother us, we are under his wing for the moment, he wants to monitor us himself. He has hit England, and a few other countries, but I believe that has been his followers, not him, himself, no, he is too cleaver to get into that, he wants the big one, which takes a lot of his time, not all of it, but a lot of it. All this warning crap is again just a formality. If we did what he wanted, we'd of course might get the truce, and might not; but I would think we would, but the cost would be too high, and he knows it.
So what can we do? Can we talk to him and try to make a deal, a truce again, I say a truce, it might work, but he'd want us to leave the oil fields, and stop helping Israel, and we couldn't do that. Plan B, kill him and get it over with.